Itfs Thunderbirds come true today
Aboard the gleaming, thrumming Mole
Itfs got a screw that turns in front
that makes a bloody great deep hole
The Centre of the Earth no less
Wefre off! But first to Crystal Cave
A million glistening shards await
Like gewjaws in a Pharaohfs grave
We burrow on through seams of coal
No-smoking signs turn on inside
Please fasten seat belts. Wine or tea?
No windows, but enjoy the ride
The captainfs voice booms out gAhoy!h
We've reached the mantle, viscous stuff
Itfs hot. Donft worry, coolers on
Letfs hope theyfll work for long enough
Now molten metal, hotter still
Then solid core, itfs time to dine
The Centre of the Earth at last!
Wefre weightless, God! Mind that damn wine!