. The space-junk crabs

The Space-Junk Crabs

Junkfs trapped in orbit round the Earth
Dead boosters, gloves and garbage bags
and nuts and bolts, and blobs of goo
and casings, pliers, clips and tags

Evolving like a swarm of bees
that mate by bumping at high speed
They spawn yet more and angry young
who in their turn just crave to breed

How can we save our satellites?
Their deft manoeuvers now wonft do
But donft despair, all is not lost
Robotic crabs give hope anew

A million launched into the void
With golden claws and beady eyes
They clutch and tow on every piece
And drag it down until it fries

Three cheers for new technology!
A Nobel prize is up for grabs
Letfs crack champagne and drink all night! \
Now what to do with all those crabs?

© Oliver Wright

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