Disposal on a neutron star
Disposal on a Neutron Star
Our spaceshipfs near a Neutron Star
so small \ just 20 miles in girth
But there itfs Gravity Beware!
A trillion times that on the Earth
The highest mountain on this star
is only millimetres high
And things are also pretty hot
Your washing wonft take long to dry
What if we drop a feather down?
The vacuum lets it just go ezipf
But as it closes in, itfs torn
to shreds as gravity lets rip
The shreds are torn to atoms and
the atoms torn to neutrons too
with protons and electrons squished
together in a cosmic stew
My office shredderfs obsolete
Letfs throw our secret papers out
No jigsaw-puzzle wizard can
reconstitute them, therefs no doubt
© Oliver Wright
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