. Conquistadors of Venus

Conquistadors of Venus

A tiny crescent in the night
Alluring milky ball so shy
To Venus now, itfs time to leave
Therefs hardly time to say goodbye

In orbit now, letfs send a probe
Go Aluminium Robot, go!
Down through sulphuric acid clouds
to just dissolve away, oh no!

No problem, Ifll send Robot 2
Designed in plastic, to explore
Bye, down you go. How do you do?
Too hot, just melted, I'm no more!

To Robot 3 Ifll trust my luck
Trim carbon shell, big power pack
Down through the CO2 to land
100 atmospheres, then crack!

The planet spins serenely on
To her youfre just a poppy seed
Itfs better now you know your place
Conquistadors of Venus, heed!

© Oliver Wright

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