Which Cheese for the Moon

So if the Moon were really cheese
Then Emmentalfs perhaps for you
A ball two thousand miles across
With holes like craters through and through

But if you come by spaceship, then
youfd better choose the hardest one
Donft grate it first\just make a globe
of finest, densest Parmesan

Or if your landing should be soft
Then Camembert Ifm sure would do
But if they forge an orb thatfs ripe
youfll end up head to toe in goo

But Mozzarella isnft good
because youfd bounce back up again
And set the Moon to wobble as
the ripples race across the plain

Letfs settle for a stinky cheese
A Munster thatfs completely high?
Or Gorgonzola that's gone off?
I think Ifll stay on Earth, you try!

© Oliver Wright

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