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Ripples on solids: experimental movies (please click)

Gold on glass (3D) Gold on glass Gold on glass (3D)

Gold on glass: two sources
(showing interference)
Gold on glass (theory) Gold pyramids on glass
showing ripple bending (refraction)

Gold on glass for 3 sources
(theory for thin film)
Gold on glass for 3 sources
(theory for thick film)

Ripples on crystals

A tetragonal crystal

Ripples on tellurium oxide
A tetragonal crystal (Z cut)
Ripples with time reversed
processing included

Tellurium oxide (3D) (Z cut) Tellurium oxide (3D) (Z cut)

Tellurium oxide (X cut)

Cubic crystals

Lithium fluoride (Z cut) Silicon (3D) (Z cut)

Ripples at the disco

Ripples at the disco King Xhmu in Sapporo

Picosecond sound pulses in solids

Chromium on silica (theory) Si3N4 on SiO2 on chromium (theory)

Triple buried GaAs quantum wells (theory)

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